name something that made you happy today:
kui andres mulle telefonis ütles, et mu sõrmus on käes :)
does caffeine make you energetic or tired?
ikka energiliseks. olenevalt kogusest tekitab ka südame rütmihäireid, jäsemete värisemist ja peavalu.
do you have a favorite outfit?
valged teksad, üks väga hea lõikega türkiissinine pluus, kõrged kontsad ja peoga ägedaid ehteid. tegelt ehted ongi kõige tähtsamad.
ever been so frustrated you just cried?
have you ever broken anything valuable?
autot? mitu korda :D
do you have a cellphone?
oujea :D
have you ever actually used a phonebook?
koguaeg. autoteeninduste numbreid peamiselt otsin sealt :P
plan on making a To Do list soon?
mul on neid koguaeg käigus. pidevalt edenevad-kahanevad.
do you have a favorite flavor of Cheez-Its?
guugeldasin. apparently mingid cookied, mida meil ei müüda :P
is fruit punch tasty?
birx ja kriss kunagi tegid, see oli räigelt viinane, aga potensiaali oli :D
what’s the longest time you have spent on the phone?
umbes 20 minutit.
does where you are right now feel like home?
ma olengi kodus, niiet suht kodune on jah :D
don’t you hate it when your pants are too long or short?
pikad on suht võimatu minu puhul, siis nad on puhtalt suured juba ja ma ei osta neid ja need ei saa häirida. mõnest püksipaarist olen minevikus välja kasvanud ja see, et nad lühikesed olid, häiris ja kurvastas küll.
have you found “the perfect pair of jeans”?
ohhh... ühed olid kunagi. kaltsukast sain ja no niiii kenasti istusid...
does it make sense when people spend tons of money on ripped pants?
oma raha ju, mind ei häiri igastahes :D
is snow fun for you or just irritating?
kui sajab, on fun. kui rookima peab, on irritating. kelgutamine on ka tore.
have a favorite restaurant?
bamboo garden!!
do you like putting music on shuffle?
eih. mulle meeldib kõike ise kontrollida :D
is there a site you spend WAY too much time on?
twitter on peamine nagu, kuigi ka käib maha vaikselt. eriti ei ole sellist kohta, jh.
have you ever been punched?
:D are you kidding me??? mina olen ikka see, kes punchib koguaeg :D
are you scared easily?
mhmhh. karga ainult nurga tagant välja ja karju: "BOO"
own a pair of slippers?
mkmm. ei meeldi mulle toasussid. villane sokk on way better :D
are your hands generally cold or warm?
is it hard for you to let go of things?
oleneb asjast. not really. inimestest, vot neist on küll pea võimatu loobuda :)
what is something that has changed recently?
meil läksid tööl esmaspäevad õhtusteks tööpäevadeks. 14-19. saab hommikul magada.
is there something you really want right now?
et andres rakverre jõuaks. seltskondlikus ja omakasu mõttes :D ja reedet, et saaks tartusse, tahan kaaa!
do you eat more in the morning or at night?
ikka öösiti, kui on kõige ebatervislikum.
would you ever wear glasses?
kandsin, esimeses klassis.
would you ever purchase a ukulele?
ämm... kenderile kingiks :D
when was the last time you were really happy?
eile õhtul.
who in this world has made you the happiest?
kas mitu võib nimetada? :) te teate, kes te olete.
ever just cry because you felt like it?
not lately.
do you have clothes all over your bedroom floor?
põrandal mitte kunagi. ainult kirjutuslaual.
have you felt pathetic lately?
mmm... jep. paar hetke on olnud.
do you make silly faces in pictures?
:D ma ei pea spetsiaalselt tegemagi.
would you ever cross a shaky bridge?
jaanipäev!!!! :D ikka mitmeid, mitmeid kordi :D
could you go on a cruise?
töö oleks takistuseks hetkel. ja rahapuudus. aga no tervis on korras, jalad liiguvad... kui vaja, siis saaks :D
does a ferris wheel worry you, especially the top?
mmm... ei... isegi london eye oli üliäge :)
what is the worst prank someone has pulled on you?
ummmm... ei tule meelde... eks neid on olnud omajagu küll...
did you like yourself more one year ago?
ei. aga ma olen endaga ikka alati suht head sõbrad olnud :) rahu on rohkem :)
would you change your eye color for one thousand dollars?
emm... oleneb, kui ekstreemne see muutus oleks... punaseks küll ei muudaks näiteks. muidu ma ei defineeri end oma silmavärvi järgi.
what do you think of those hipster people?
minu põhimõte on alati olnud: igaüks peab saama olla see, ja teha seda, mida tahab. go for it!
How many times have you cried in a person’s arms?
:D liiga palju, et piinlikkuseta meenutada. ärme räägime sellest :D
Do you have condoms in your room?
Do you have condoms in your room?
Do you still talk to the person you liked 7 months ago?
ja mulle ikka veel meeldivad kõik need samad inimesed, kes 7 kuud tagasi :D
Would you rather kiss someone 5 years older or 5 year younger?
Would you rather kiss someone 5 years older or 5 year younger?
:D ah, savi, peaasi, et tatti saab panna :D no palun, mis küsimus. oleneb, kuidas inimene meeldib ju.
When was the last time you felt like throwing up?
When was the last time you felt like throwing up?
ämmm... oma viimase migreenihoo ajal... umbes kuu tagasi või?
Think back to this time last year, were you happy?
Think back to this time last year, were you happy?
abso-fucking-lutely :D
If you were given a pregnancy test, would it be negative?
If you were given a pregnancy test, would it be negative?
vt eelmist :D
Four months ago, can you remember who you liked, who was it?
Four months ago, can you remember who you liked, who was it?
neli kuud tagasi oli juuni... kõik samad inimesed meeldisid :) romantilist huvi polnud siis, pole nüüd.
smoking cigerettes is a bad habit you know?
:D I know.
Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily?
liigagi kergesti. ma parem ei annaks talle seda eelist, et ta nime nimetaks.
Do you ever get good morning messages from anyone?
:D head ööd messe olen küll saanud
do you know what the last person you kissed is doing?
do you know what the last person you kissed is doing?
kissed nagu suudlesin või kissed nagu musitasin? :D esimese variandi kohta pole hallimatki aimu. teine passib msn-is praegu :D
is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
rohkem kui üks, rohkem kui kaks. igatsus on pidev.
How does it feel to be heart broken?
hulluksajav, puruksrebiv, must-must tunne on.
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite color?
kollane, tumelilla... must, mõnes mõttes? :D
Do you currently have a hickey?
Do you currently have a hickey?
no ei.
Do you like holding hands?
Do you like holding hands?
any time! :D
Do you enjoy wearing dresses?
kle täitsa nunnud on jah. pole kolm aastat juba kleiti omanud, aga ega see seelikust nii erinev polegi :P
Do you think you will ever be married?
Do you think you will ever be married?
julgen tõsiselt kahelda.
You’re crying at 12 at night, you call?
hull peast. kellelegi ei helista. autosse istun ja minema sõidan.
Have you ever been called heartless?
Have you ever been called heartless?
mm... midagi nagu häguselt meenub, aga kas just päris seda sõna on kasutatud... võimalik.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
julgen kohe päris-päris tõsiselt kahelda.
Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
raha võtaks, mul on auto juba ja ma laavin oma kapsaussi :D
Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
mm... ikka veel pole mingit romantilist huvi. aga meeldivad paljud ja paljudel erinevatel põhjustel. sest nendega on nii lihtne rääkida nii rasketel teemadel, sest nad on nii head mu vastu ja sellepärast, et nad on nii ainulaadsed ja vägevad. kõige selle pärast :)
Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
see inimene, keda ma suudlesin või see keda ma musitasin? esimest ma ei tunneks enam äragi ja teise suhtes puudub igasugune omanditunne. andku tuld :D
Any plans for this summer?
Any plans for this summer?
roadtripid, muud tripid ja palju grilli-chilli :)
Where is the person you dislike the most?
Where is the person you dislike the most?
ma püüan esiteks välja mõelda, kes see on... aaa. okei. ei tea.
Do you think you will kiss someone tomorrow?
Do you think you will kiss someone tomorrow?
suudlen või musitan? raske uskuda, aga ma hoian huuled valmis siis :D
Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
birx? ei tema lähe kuhugi :D
Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
birx? ei tema lähe kuhugi :D
Did your parents spoil you as a child?
ei ütleks küll :D
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Do you think that you’re good enough for the one you like?
Do you think that you’re good enough for the one you like?
:D nemad kipuvad jahh nii arvama vahel. mina leian, et nemad on minuga ka väga-väga head olnud ja see on ainult teene teene vastu värk :)
Is the person you like older or younger than you?
Is the person you like older or younger than you?
vanemaid on vähem kui nooremaid. oh, mulle meeldivad nooremad :D
Have you ever dated someone who treated you like crap?
Where was your last kiss?
Where was your last kiss?
oeh. suudlus siis? emm... esikus.
Do you think before you speak?
Do you think before you speak?
Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?
Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?
eee... jaaaa! kindlalt! kui ma terve tunni üksi kusagil kinni oleks. suu kinni teibitud ntx...
Do you show your emotions or do you have a poker face?
Do you show your emotions or do you have a poker face?
:D I'm a master of both
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a J or T?
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a J or T?
eeega vist...
Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
fox. msn-is üks õhtu.
How many people do you trust?
How many people do you trust?
no üle viie, alla kümne...
What are you doing right now?
What are you doing right now?
lebon voodis, vestlen inimestega msn-is
Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
tean ikka
Could you live with your best friend?
Could you live with your best friend?
ma kujutan ette, et ikka saaks. kui mul oleks oma tuba. ma vajan oma speissi.
Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
ohh, plaan on täiega paigas. täpselt 75 tundi on selle täideviimiseni :D are you kidding me?
Would you rather have big or small dogs?
Would you rather have big or small dogs?
väike on praegu. mudu mulle meeldivad kõik koerolendid.
Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
:D:D:D:D:D ma tahan näha seda inimest, kes mulle selle eest raha viskaks :D
Who will your next hug be?
Who will your next hug be?
noooooo... i have no idea :D
Will you be married by the time you’re 25?
Will you be married by the time you’re 25?
oh, vabalt, tervelt 11 kuud jäänud ju :D
Would you go on a road trip with your friends?
Would you go on a road trip with your friends?
pfff. kas on üldse vaja küsida?
Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you?
Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you?
eee... tassinud küll pole. okei, toetanud on vahel, aga tassind igatahes ei :D
Do you want to see somebody right now?
Do you want to see somebody right now?
mm.. miks mitte? :)
Last person/people you hung out with?
Last person/people you hung out with?
Was last night enjoyable for you?
Was last night enjoyable for you?
:D pärisväga
Someone says “all guys are players” You say?
Someone says “all guys are players” You say?
i think all girls are, too :)
If you had an invisible coat like Harry Potter, would you use it often?
If you had an invisible coat like Harry Potter, would you use it often?
mis mõte sel on? keegi ei näe mind siis ju! okei, vahel ikka kasutaks.
Taco Bell or Olive Garden?
Taco Bell or Olive Garden?
pole kumbagi külastama juhtunud, ma valin igaksjuhuks mõlemad.
Do you trust the police?
Do you trust the police?
kui institutsiooni? jah, ikka.
If you’re mad while driving, do you flip people off?
If you’re mad while driving, do you flip people off?
pigem karjun nende peale. žeste eriti ei tee.
Did the last person you kissed have tattoos?
Did the last person you kissed have tattoos?
eee... ega vist?
The last person you kissed started with a J or K?
The last person you kissed started with a J or K?
Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes cigs?
Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes cigs?
cigars? well... i guess not...
Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise or sunset?
pigem set, sest rise'i ma näen ikka väga harva.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
kantsis algas stripishow see kell umbes.
When was the last time a picture of you was taken?
When was the last time a picture of you was taken?
1. oktoober
Was last night terrible?
Was last night terrible?
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
eelmise nädala alguses. possibly esmaspäeval.
Kissed someone in a vehicle?
Kissed someone in a vehicle?
Last thing you drank?
roheline tee metsmaasikatega
Have you ever seen the last person you texted naked?
Have you ever seen the last person you texted naked?
ANDRES????? EIIIIIIII!!!!! ohjumal, ärge kunagi enam nii tehke.
Do you always have to have something to drink when you eat?
Do you always have to have something to drink when you eat?
ei, mitte alati. enamasti küll.
Last night, you felt?
Last night, you felt?
Does the last person you kissed know what color your eyes are?
peaks küsima. küsisin, teab. kohe nii kerge on olla nüüd :D
Who is the last person you shared a bed with?
Who is the last person you shared a bed with?
leeni ja ivari :D aga kõige viimasel korral jagasin hoopis kummimadratsit märdi ja ivariga :D ärge küsige, mis see ivari alati minu koikus teeb :D
Is there anyone who doesn’t like you?
Is there anyone who doesn’t like you?
ma kardan küll :)
Tänud Kärdile, kelle blogist ma julmalt üle lõin selle kena asjakese jälle :D
Tänud Kärdile, kelle blogist ma julmalt üle lõin selle kena asjakese jälle :D